We then left the village, ate dinner, and killed time until our midnight train to Gyeongju. I tried to warn the hostel that we would be getting in during the night. I don't think they had really understood though. We were greeted by a lovely, thoroughly intoxicated man who fell up the stairs on his way to our room. My life is full of surprises at this point.
The rest of the trip was spent exploring Gyeongju. It's a very nice little city full of things to see.
The rest of the trip is probably better summed up in pictures. I can't take credit for these. They were all taken by the lovely Emily.
Day 2 - Gyeongju
The first thing we went to see was the Stone Pagoda of Bunhwangsa
We saw a lot of other things in between, but it would be too long/I am too lazy to post pictures/write about all of them. This next place was my favourite - the Anapji pond. According to wiki, it was part of the palace complex of ancient Silla and was constructed by the King in 674. It was reconstructed in 1974 and is absolutely beautiful.
This is officially going to be a two-part post. I'll post about the rest of our trip in the near future!